
sharing care information with you

General Information

Good Practice & Legislation

Useful links

We've listed here various organisations which will have useful best practice information on this topic.

Dementia UK 

Dementia Together Suffolk

Dementia Action Alliance

Norfolk and Suffolk Dementia Alliance

Alzheimer's Society


National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

Age UK


Skills for Care

University College London


The number of people estimated to be living with dementia globally is 44 million, and it is thought that this number will double by 2030. Guidance from Public Health England on Dementia: Applying All Our Health. Click here. 

The Alzheimer's Society has updated its dementia guide called The Dementia Guide - Living Well After Diagnosis. The 178-page guide is available at the Alzheimer's Society's website by clicking here

The Department of Health has launched the first phase of its new Dementia 2020 Citizens' Engagement Programme. The Government wants to hear first-hand from people with dementia, their families and carers. You can take part in the survey by clicking here and it's open until the end of January 2017.

Some useful leaflets called Giving Voice about communications and dementia

Namaste Care an end of life programme for people with dementia which has been trialled in Waterfield House, Hadleigh.

The Abbey Pain Scale is an instrument used to assist in the assessment of pain in patients who are unable to clearly articulate their needs. Click here to find out more.

This 37-page PowerPoint slide presentation, produced by Suffolk Mental Health, gives an overview of Dementia. 

Living positively with dementia findings from a qualitative systematic review from the National Elf Service website.

A Practical Guide To Healthy Ageing has been written by Age UK in conjunction with the NHS.

The Royal College of Nursing and the Alzheimer's Society have a very useful leaflt called This is Me which supports people with dementia who are in an unfamiliar place. 

An environmental assessment tool for analysing whether or not your care home is dementia friendly can be found by clicking here. 

This is a guide to all the dementia services available in Suffolk. Click here.

An information leaflet on dementia from Skills for Care