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I Need Care

News & Developments

A report from law firm Winckworth Sherwood, called The Other End of The Housing Market: House for Older People, supported by the Housing LIN, builds on a survey that sought to better understand what practical measures might be taken to improve later life housing.
The Voluntary Organisations Disability Group (VODG) has produced a six-page guide giving 10 tips when looking for social care. Click here.
As part of a research project looking at how people choose care homes and the information they need, Independent Age has published Shining a Light on Care: Helping people make better care home choices. This includes 10 care home quality indicators. Click here.
The Social Care Institute for Excellence (Scie) has produced a guide for people who arrange their own home care. It describes the standard of care you should expect from a home care provider and explains what you should do if your provider is failing to deliver good care. Click here.
Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) has produced a plain English guide to the most commonly-used social care words and phrases. Click here.