
sharing care information with you

Nutrition, Food & Hydration

Live well to be healthy

It goes without saying that eating the right foods and drinking the right amount of fluids, to promote good nutrition and hydration, are crucial to good health. When we don’t get the right type and amount of food, we can become malnourished.  Equally, lack of fluid, can make us dehydrated.

Mealtimes and food for older people can be a very important part of their daily life, and can affect their quality of living. However, in recent years, malnutrition has been on the increase in older people.

The Health and Social Care Act 2008 makes it a legal requirement for providers to make sure that people who are receiving care and treatment have enough to eat and drink to meet their hydration and nutritional needs.  

This also means taking account of people’s religious and cultural backgrounds and preferences when providing food and drink.